Izostavljen subjekt

Doesn't matter. I'll figure it out.

(Nema veze. Smislit ću nešto.)

It doesn't matter.

Can't find my phone.

(Ne mogu pronaći svoj mobitel.)

I can't find my phone.

Must be someone who can help us.

(Sigurno postoji netko tko nam može pomoći.)

There must be someone who can help us.

Nakon veznika:
Primjeri elipse
Izostavljeni elementi


  1. She answered the questions competently and showed a degree of modesty, too
  2. He is as selfish as a fox and not much of a worker.
  1. subjekt

... and she showed a degree of modesty, too.

2. subjekt + glagol

... and he is not much of a worker


A stunning coastline and a well maintained garden are welcome but are not of prime concern.

  • subjekti

...but a stunnning coastline and a well maintained garden are not of prime concern.


I'm not sure if he is a full-time teacher or just substituting.

  • veznik + subjekt + pomoćni glagol

...or if he is just substituting.

elipsa 1 - mobile
Posvojni oblici
  • beautiful story
  • difficult question
  • the fastest car
  • one story
  • two questions
  • three cars
  • this story
  • these questions
  • those cars
  • her story
  • their questions
  • friend's car
Primjeri elipse
Izostavljene imenice

nakon pridjeva

  1. How do you like your eggs? I perfer fried
  2. I'm not sure which phone to buy but I'll probably go for the cheapest.
  1. fried eggs
  2. the cheapest phone

nakon brojeva

  1. Don't forget to buy the ticket. I'll take two, just in case.
  2. Her act is the first after the break.
  1. two tickets
  2. first act

nakon demonstrativa

  1. I usually don't like floral prints but these are gorgeous.
  2. This is my roommate's desk and this is mine.
  1. these floral prints
  2. this desk

nakon posvojnih oblika

  1. You'll sleep in my room, and I'll move to Petra's.
  2. I don't need to borrow your laptop, I brought my own.
  1. Petra's room
  2. my own laptop
Izostavljeni elementi

I'd like you to join us. Let me know if you can.

(Htio/la bih da nam se pridružiš. Javi mi ako ćeš moći.)

can join us

I don't want to study right now but I probably should.

(Ne želim učiti u ovom trenutku ali znam da bih trebao/la.)

should study

I'm not a specialist but my girlfriend is.

(Ja nisam stručnjak, ali moja djevojka jest.)

is a specialist

Izostavljeni elementi

It feels more like water than land.

Čini se više poput vode nego zemlje.

It feels more like water than it feels like land.

There was nowhere better you could practice medicine than in such remote places.

Nigdje se bolje nije moglo baviti medicinom nego u takvim udaljenim mjestima.

There was nowhere better you could practice medicine than practicing medicine in such remote places.


He is allergic to fish and so am I.
(On je alergičan na ribu, a i ja sam.)

He is allergic to fish and so I am.

A stunning coastline and a well maintained garden are welcome but are not of prime concern. Neither is the decor, as that can be easily changed.

(Prekrasna obala i dobro održavan vrt su dobrodošli, ali nisu glavni prioritet. Kao ni dekor jer se on može lagano promijeniti.)

Neither the decor is, as that can be easily changed.


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