S veznikom
Bez veznika

I work in a school as a teacher, and I often organize group field trips.

I work in a school as a teacher.

I often organize group field trips.

  1. povezivanje dviju riječi
  • Who do you like more, Jack or me?
    (Tko ti se više sviđa, Jack ili ja?)
  • It was beautiful but exhausting.
    (Bilo je prekrasno ali i naporno.)

2. povezivanje dva skupa riječi

  • The bag was very pretty but too expensive.
    (Ta torba je bila jako lijepa ali preskupa.)
  • The country faced political turmoil and uncertain future.
    (Zemlja se suočila s političkim previranjima i neizvjesnom budućnošću.)

3. povezivanje dvije (nezavisno složene) rečenice

  • It was a wonderful trip, and we might repeat it next year.
    (Bio je to prekrasan izlet i možda ga ponovimo sljedeće godine.)
  • She must be able to sing, and she must be able to dance.
    (Mora znati pjevati i mora znati plesati.)

dodavanje ili nabrajanje ideja

I cycle to the office and work out every day. -

(Bicikliram do ureda i vježbam svaki dan.)

kontrastne i suprotne ideje

She won a scholarship here but decided to study abroad.

(Osvojila je stipendiju ovdje ali odlučila studirati u inozemstvu.)

The film is quiet yet quite intense.

(Film je tih ali poprilično intenzivan.)

izražavanje alternativa

I usually read a book or watch a movie.

(Inače pročitam knjigu ili pogledam film.)

navođenje razloga

He went to sleep for he was exhausted.

(Otišao je spavati jer je bio iscrpljen.)


both - and

Both Lisa and I know that you are lying.

(I Lisa i ja znamo da lažeš.)

either - or

I want either a pink or a white scarf.

(Želim ili rozi ili bijeli šal.)

neither - nor

I don’t like my coffee neither hot nor cold.

(Ne volim da mi je kava ni vrela ni hladna.)

glavna rečenica
zavisna rečenica

I was feeling sad

(Osjećao sam se tužno...)

when the series ended.

(...kada je završila serija.)


veznici vremena

I have to clean the apartment before the guests arrive.

(Moram počistiti stan prije što dođu gosti.)

veznici mjesta

They graduated where I studied.

(Diplomirali su tamo gdje sam studirao.)

veznici svrhe

Many butterflies migrate in order to avoid cold weather.

(Mnogo leptira migrira kako bi izbjegli hladnije vrijeme.)

veznici rezultata

It started raining so I ran back to grab an umbrella.

(Počelo je kišiti pa sam otrčao/la nazad po kišobran.)

veznici uzroka

People are afraid of falling because it is a natural fear.

(Ljudi se boje pada zato što je to prirodni strah.)

Linking words and phrases


it is commonly/widely/well known; it is known; it is common knowledge; generally; in most cases; nowadays

Navođenje argumenata

some/many/most (people, experts, studies, critics...) believe/say/know/claim/argue/suggest/are in favor of/are against of

Nabrajanje, uspostava redoslijeda

first (ly), second (ly), third (ly); additionally; moreover; furthermore, next, also; after; to begin with/to start with; subsequently; eventually; then; finally

Navođenje razloga

because of; since; as; due to

Navođenje posljedica

therefore, as a result; as a consequence; consequently; therefore; this/that way; thus; hence; because

Navođenje dodatnih informacija

furthermore; moreover; additionally; in addition; also; another (one)


similarly; likewise; also; just as; like; similar to

Uspostavljanje kontrasta

however; nevertheless; nonetheless; although; even though/so ; though; in contrast; in comparison; while; whereas; on the one hand - on the other hand; on the contrary

Navođenje primjera

for example; for instance; exemplified by; to illustrate; such as; namely; including; in particular; specifically

Navođenje zaključka, sažimanje

in conclusion; to conclude; to summarize/in summary; to sum up

Iskazivanje osobnog mišljenja

it is my belief/opinion that; I (firmly) believe/think/feel that; I (do not) agree with


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