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Postavljanje pitanja

Upitna riječ


What are you watching? (Što gledaš?)

I am watching a film. (Gledam film.)


When did you arrive? (Kada si stigao?)

I arrived yesterday. (Stigao sam jučer.)


Where do you live? (Gdje živiš?)

I live in the city. (Živim u gradu.)


Who invited you to the party? (Tko te pozvao na party?)

Diana invited me. (Diana me pozvala.)


Which dress do you prefer? (Koju haljinu preferiraš?)

I prefer the red dress. (Preferiram crvenu haljinu.)


Whose house is that? (Čija je to kuća?)

That is my teacher's house. (To je kuća mog/je učitelja/ice.)


Why is Jack upset? (Zašto je Jack uzujan?)

Jack is upset for some reason. (Jack je uzrujan iz nekog razloga.)


How can I go there. (Kako mogu doći do tamo?)

You can go there somehow. (Možeš doći nekako do tamo.)

Izjavna rečenica
Upitna rečenica

You are studying history.

Are you studying history?

I have done something wrong.

Have I done something wrong?

She can swim.

Can she swim?

I should go home soon.

Should I go home soon?

He will leave tomorrow.

Will he leave tomorrow?

You would go there.

Would you go there?

Izjavna rečenica
Upitna rečenica

I should have listened to her.

Should I have listened to her?

I could have gone there.

Could I have gone there?

Izjavna rečenica
Upitna rečenica

He likes apple pies.

Does he like apple pies?

I ordered new clothes.

Did I order new clothes?

They went out.

Did they go out?


Q: Who saw you yesterday? (Tko te je vidio jučer?)

A: David saw me yesterday. (David me je vidio jučer.)

Q: Who did you see yesterday? (Koga si vidio jučer?)

A: I saw David yesterday. (Vidio sam Davida jučer.)

Q: What caused such a scene? (Što je uzrokovalu takvu scenu?)

A: Something caused such a scene. (Nešto je uzrokovalo takvu scenu.)

Q: What did such a scene cause? (Što je takva scena uzrokovala?)

A: Such a scene caused something. (Takva scena je nešto uzrokovala.)


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