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Neupravni govor

Upravni govor
Neupravni govor

"I don't see the point."

(Ne vidim smisao.)

He said that he didn't see the point.

(On je rekao da ne vidi smisao.)

"She is going to pass out."

(Ona će se onesvijestiti.)

I thought that she was going to pass out.

(Pomislio/la sam da će se ona onesvijestiti.)

"No one can help me."

(Nitko mi ne može pomoći.)

I knew that no one could help me.

(Znao/la sam da mi nitko ne može pomoći.)

Uvodni glagoli

admit priznati

The driver admitted that they were lost.

(Vozač/ica je priznao/la da su se izgubili.)

agree složiti se

They agreed that the situation was urgent.

(Složili su se da je situacija hitna.)

announce najaviti

Ken announced that he had a solution.

(Ken je najavio da ima rješenje.)

argue tvrditi, objašnjavati

He argued that the simplest designs were best.

(Tvrdio je da su najbolji dizajni oni koji su najjednostavniji.)

believe vjerovati, smatrati

They believed that his mission had failed.

(Smatrali su da njegova misija nije uspjela.)

feel činiti se, osjećati se

I felt that everybody deserved to win.

(Činilo mi se da su svi zaslužili pobijediti.)

hear čuti

I heard that Jim had left his old job.

(Čuo/la sam da je Jim napustio svoj stari posao.)

insist inzistirati

She insisted that it had been a real job.

(Inzistirala je da se radilo o pravom poslu.)

know znati

I knew that no one could help me.

(Znao/la sam da mi nitko ne može pomoći.)

read pročitati

I read that the roads were blocked.

(Pročitao/la sam da su ceste zatvorene.)

say reći

He said that mistakes had been made.

(Rekao je da je došlo do pogrešaka.)

think misliti

I thought that she was going to pass out.

(Pomislio/la sam da će se ona onesvijestiti.)

ask pitati

I asked why it was closed .

(Pitao/la sam zašto je zatvoreno.)

wonder upitati se, zanimati se

She wondered whether he had found the letter.

(Zanimalo ju je je li pronašao pismo.)

Uvodni glagol

promise obećati

He promised to write often.

(Obećao je da će često pisati.)

offer ponuditi

I offered to help as much as I could.

(Ponudio/la sam pomoći koliko god mogu.)

tell reći, kazati

The librarian told them to be quiet.

(Knjižničar/ka nam je rekao/la da budemo tihi.)

agree složiti se, pristati

The teacher agreed to extend the deadline.

(Učitelj/ica je pristao/la produžiti vremenski rok.)

ask pitati

Amy asked him to join her in the theatre.

(Amy ga je pitala da joj se pridruži u kazalištu.)

advise savjetovati

The doctor advised him to stop smoking.

(Doktor ga je savjetovao da prestane pušiti.)

order narediti

The police officer ordered them to leave.

(Policajac/ka im je naredio/la da otiđu.)

Upravni govor
Neupravni govor

I love my university.

(Volim svoje sveučilište.)

He/She said that he/she loves his/her university.

(Rekao/la je da voli svoje sveučilište.)

Upravni govor
Neupravni govor


It will be far from cheap


I said it would be far from cheap.

Present Simple

The car is on the sale.

Past Simple

I said the car was on the sale.

Present Continuous

I am listening to music.

Past Continuous

I said that I was listening to music.

Past Simple

I passed my driving test.

Past Perfect

I said that I had passed my driving test.

Present Perfect

I haven't seen him in a while.

Present Perfect

I said that I hadn't seen him in a while.

Past Perfect

My best friend had been stood up.

Past Perfect

I said that my best friend had been stood up.


I can do it on my own.


I said that I could do it on my own.


I may return.


I said that I might return.


They must leave.

had to

I said that they had to leave.

Upravni govor
Neupravni govor

I am a teacher.

(Ja sam učitelj/ica.)

I said that I am/was a teacher.

(Rekao/la sam da sam učitelj/ica.)

It will rain today.

(Kišit će danas.)

I read that it will/would rain today.

(Pročitao/la sam da će danas kišiti.)

She visits her parents often.

(Ona često posjećuje svoje roditelj.)

They told me that she visits/visited her parents often.

(Rekli su mi da često posjećuje svoje roditelje.)

Pitanja u upravnom govoru
Pitanja u neupravnom govoru

Have they tried sushi?

I asked if they had tried sushi.

Is this your home town?

I asked if this was their home town.

What is your name?

I asked her what her name was.

yes/no pitanje
Neupravni govor

Can you swim?

I asked whether/if they could swim.

Have I done something wrong?

I asked whether/if I had done something wrong.

Did you sleep well?

I asked whether/if they slept well.

Neupravni govor

What are you watching?

I aksed what he/she was watching.

Whose house is that?

I asked whose house that was.

How can I go there?

I asked how I could go there.


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